
Ozone treatments: more safety in tomato cultivation in the field, greenhouse and above ground

Prevention from bacterial and viral infections in tomatoes is a key aspect of cultivation, from the open field to the greenhouse. It is now known that irrigation water and the irrigation system can be sources of inoculum for transmission of problems that reverberate with viral and bacterial infections in the crop leading to loss of production and the need for containment treatments.

For years now, water and irrigation system disinfection with ozone has been a hot topic. Ozone (O3) has a very interesting biocidal activity because it is derived from oxygen (O2) and once it has reacted and performed disinfection it returns to the molecular oxygen state thus releasing no residue in water.

An important feature is that this is done in seconds, so it can be done directly in-line on irrigation water without the need for the introduction of storage tanks. With work done in collaboration with a research institute in Belgium, we have also shown that under appropriate conditions (replicable in our treatment machines) it is possible to inactivate ToBRFV and other viruses, nonetheless such elimination activity can also be carried out on bacteria such as Clavibacter michiganensis. The numerous applications in Italy and abroad that we have carried out confirm the goodness of this application by reporting repeatable results in all the installations carried out.

Very important, when it comes to the water of irrigation especially for tomato, è consider the source of water used, in fact Surface or canal waters have very high microbiological risks; our experience is that it is through water that many bacterial and viral diseases are distributed in tomato crops and thehe disinfection of water with ozone makes the prevention and protection of crops very effective.

Last but not least, a second very interesting aspect, by the process of disinfecting water with ozone you are able to increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen thus allowing optimal root oxygenation and development even in the warmer months when the higher water temperature decreases oxygen supply to the root system with the resulting problems.

Contact us to find out more about these topics.

We are exhibiting at Macfrut, May 8-10, hall C1, stand 173.

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Contributions, extended deadlines. Here are the dates for all regions

As many will know, the final dates for submitting applications for aid under the Investment 2.3 call change for so many regions “Innovation and mechanization in the agriculture and food sector” – Submeasure “Modernization of agricultural machinery to enable the introduction of precision farming techniques,” including those proposed by Ecofarm for the livestock and vegetable sector.

Masaf also eliminated the investment cap previously set at 70,000 euros, while the 35,000-euro contribution limit remains.

For most regions, the application deadline is now May 31, 2024. The only exceptions are Basilicata and Emilia Romagna, which have set a deadline of May 10, 2024, while Molise and Trentino al Adige have not yet set extension deadlines.

Below is the complete list of all regions with corresponding deadlines.

Region/P.A.Application deadline
Friuli-Venezia Giulia31/05/2024
Molise29/03/2024 (as of 05/04/24 not yet arranged for extension)
Trento15/03/2024 (as of 5/04/24 not yet arranged for extension)
Aosta Valley31/05/2024
saggiorato orkel ecofarm balloni agricoltura

Andrea and Marco of the Toaiar Saggiorato Agricultural Society talk about the advantages of Orkel technology

The Toaiar Saggiorato Agricultural Society has won a very interesting bet by partnering with Ecofarm. Already active for generations in the production and sale of fodder and silage, since 2018 the Saggiorato brothers have chosen to adopt Orkel technology for the production of high-density bales, thus becoming contractors for their livestock farming customers.

This state-of-the-art technology, made available by Ecofarm, enables thepackaging of silage products intended for animal feed on livestock farms at a density up to 40 percent higher than an optimal traditional trench.

As Andrea and Marco Saggiorato also told us firsthand, the benefits of this system are so many that it has been an immediate success with breeders, who are now increasingly requesting it. There are also many contractors in various parts of Italy that offer this type of service for packaging products for livestock and industrial use.

For example, this packaging process avoids undesirable fermentation phenomena due to the presence of air, such as mold development.

This results in better preservation of the silage, which, in terms of its quality and freshness, is comparable to a freshly harvested product, according to the Saggiorato brothers.

In short, qualitatively better nutrition for farm animals that leads to an increase in their welfare.

But the benefits do not end there: Andrea and Marco Saggiorato told us about them in detail in the interview below.

Ecofarm experts are at your disposal, for any useful information please contact us!

+39 045 6134 390 | info@ecofarm.storti.com


Ecofarm and ozone in agriculture on FreshPlaza and HortiDaily

Sterilizing irrigation water helps prevent, especially in horticulture, diseases typical of soil fatigue, both in the field and in the greenhouse “. This is what the reference publication FreshPlaza attests to when talking about us.

Ecofarm’s participation in Macfrut 2021.

From September 7 to 9, the 2021 edition of Macfrut was held in Rimini.

Ecofarm was present with its booth and range of ozone generators for applications in horticulture, agriculture and produce preservation.

The event represented a return to normalcy after a long time of enforced distance due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector has shown a lively and dynamic interest, with great desire for restart and innovation. Many professionals and practitioners attended and requested information regarding our technology and its application.

Positive feedback also came from the industry publications FreshPlaza and Hortidaily, national and international reference sites that we thank for talking about the innovation of our equipment.

Freshplaza publishes article discussing ozone in agriculture Ecofarm
Ecofarm at Macfrut 2021: from left Max Bizzarri, Enrico Storti and Giorgio Zaffani.

Here is an excerpt from the article published on Freshplaza.com

Among the various innovations proposed during Macfrut, particular attention received a series of equipment that ‘produces’ ozone to sterilize irrigation water, to perform fruit and vegetable treatments and for storage cells. The company developing this technology is Ecofarm Storti. “Thanks to our technologies,” says Enrico Storti – ozone is produced on site and is very effective against pathogenic bacteria and fungi in crops, both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Ozone does not release residues and is a powerful disinfectant.” “We have equipment,” Storti adds, “that needs to be brought online in the irrigation system, and especially in the greenhouse, treating water is a necessary process to keep diseases under control.

You can read thefull article here , or open it in pdf format.

If you are interested in the article published by Hortidaily instead, please click here , or open it in pdf format.

For more information you can email info@ecofarm.storti.com, or call 045 6134390.

News Ecofarm EIMA

At EIMA, the best of Ecofarm technology for Livestock and Agriculture

Ready to drop a trio of aces. From Oct. 19-23, Ecofarm will be present at EIMA International, the international agricultural and gardening machinery exhibition in Bologna, Italy.

Apply now for your personal invitation to EIMA International:

    The biennial show, promoted since 1969 by FederUnacoma, attracts manufacturing industries from every continent, ready to bring the industry’s cutting-edge technologies to market.

    An opportunity to show the world Ecofarm excellence applied to Animal Husbandry and Agriculture. From the Ecofarm Breezair evaporative cooler, to reduce heat stress in barns, and particularly in milking parlors, toOzone, a natural solution to extend storage time while reducing the use of pesticides or fertilizers during the agricultural process.

    Last among the proposed innovations are ‘vacuum’ bales, to better store corn mash, shredded alfalfa and triticale. An innovative method to maintain the organoleptic qualities of products for a long time, so they retain all their nutritional properties. A system that preserves a high quality product, for the welfare of the animals and to naturally improve their productivity.

    The appointment is in attendance. We look forward to seeing you in Hall 37, booth C16 bis!