
Fresh waiting area and milking parlors? With Breezair you can!

During the summer period, it is as important to cool the waiting area and milking parlor as it is to cool everything else in the barn.

Lowering the temperature in these areas improves the quality of life for cattle and the operators working within them and ensures that the milking phase is not an additional stressor.

Our Breezair cooling system offers other important advantages:

  • Cooler and healthier environments
  • Frequent total air changes, less ammonia and fewer insects
  • No drop in milk production during the summer period
  • Successful fertilizations even in summer
  • Savings in water use, dry animals
  • Ingestion and rumination time remain unchanged from cooler seasons

What about you, do you want to find out the benefits of this system?

Watch the video interview with Az. Agricultural Feast: