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Ecofarm at Fieragricola TECH. Verona showcases innovation in agriculture and animal husbandry

Wednesday , Feb. 1 and Thursday, Feb. 2 appointment in Verona for Fieragricola TECH 2023, Fieragricola’s vertical event dedicated to innovation.

Two days of in-depth discussions, training and business meetings for industry professionals, during which Ecofarm will present the best in technology for agriculture and animal husbandry.

What technologies will be presented?


Palaexpo – Stand H2

In the livestock sector, Ecofarm Breezair makes it possible to improve animal welfare.
During the summer season, it is effective in reducing heat stress in dairy cattle barns, waiting or milking parlors, and pig farms. Last year Ecofarm Breezair won a silver leaf for its innovative scope in the fourth edition of “Fieragricola Innovation Award 2022.”

The Ecofarm Breezair evaporative cooler is an easy-to-install system and reduces water and electricity consumption with its smart technology.

ORKEL – High Intensity Balls

Palaexpo – Stand H2

Is it possible to maintain the organoleptic qualities of forages for a long time while retaining all their nutritional properties?

Indeed! The solution is Orkel’s High Density Balloons, which can store product ‘in a vacuum’ and thus improve animal health and farm profitability.


Palaexpo – Booth C2

Increasingly strategic in agriculture is the use ofozone, a natural ally for:

-disinfection of irrigation water in crops.
In fact, it improves water quality and business productivity.
Ozone is an effective, environmentally sustainable and safe choice for limiting the use of chemicals and increasing the healthiness of crops; it does not release any residues into water and does not give resistance!

– Extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables
The use of ozone in storage cells solves the problem of handling fruits and vegetables.

Come and find out more at our booths, you will find us at PALAEXPO:

Booth H2 – Ecofarm Breezair and Orkel: high-density bale.
Booth C2 – Ozone in Agriculture

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