scottone alimentazione Ecofarm balloni ad alta densità

It changes everything! The High Density Ballon Revolution. The experience of La Bottega della Sorana

For three generations, at La Bottega della Sorana they have been raising scottone destined for the production of premium cuts of meat, now available in their retail store.

In order to obtain healthy meat with excellent appearance and nutritional properties, care infeeding the cattle is meticulous.

Orkel technology, introduced through collaboration with Ecofarm, has made it possible to permanently replace classic feed with a diet composed of only raw materials that are healthier for the animals.

Alfalfa and other nutrients are harvested at their best nutritional time and stored in high-density bale to maintain quality, free of mold and mildew because, with this system, fermentations do not develop.

Alberto Pozzan told us about the advantages of using high-density silage, how it has improved the welfare of the animals raised and, consequently, the final product obtained.

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